Trusted by the UK's biggest brands and retailers
Online Proofing
The simplest, fastest way to elevate how your teams manage artwork approval using the MauveElevate online proofing tool. We help teams work efficiently and smarter with shorter review and approval times. Less time chasing feedback and more time being creative.
"MauveTech has transformed our feedback and approval process, making it more efficient and collaborative!"
Annotate various file types
Upload and annotate any PNG, JPEG, PDF, IND, Documents and Video file in a few clicks. Just point, mark up and leave a comment or request a change on any part of your visual.
Invite unlimited reviewer
Make it easy to get feedback and campaigns approved with an unlimited number of reviewers. All reviewers will be automatically notified when the campaign or artwork is ready for review.
Manage every revision with ease
Organise multiple revisions of your designs in one platforms, all stacked by version number so you can easily compare and review new and existing versions before approval.
Keep everything in one place and remove the endless emails and meetings
- Assign due dates for a set number of days or months ahead
- Automatic update approval statuses based on your stakeholders review decisions
- Manage commenting, downloads and sharing
Your single source of truth
Get fast, clear, and accurate feedback on all your print and digital assets
Markup, annotate, share files, request changes, let your teams collaborate and feedback on your designs and videos
Manage revisions with ease
- Manage document versions in one unified platform
- All versions grouped in one place with all reviewer's commenting history
- Automatic notify when a new version is uploaded
Compare document version and comments side by side
Check new versions alongside previous comments so you can approve with confidence and ease
Elevate your review and approval process
Stay on top of everything
Get clear view of what needs to be done and by when
Track your own and your team's productivity
Quickly view the status of all your projects.
Get a high-level view or dive deeper to see where your reviewers are in the approval process.
Meet your deadlines with ease
Everything you need to elevate the artwork approval process
✅ Support for PNG, JPG, PDF, IND & Video files
✅ Annotate with boxes, arrows & comment points
✅ Invite clients to proof, comment & approve artwork
✅ One click client approval workflow
✅ One-click file download
✅ Resolve comments like a checklist
✅ Create artwork approval checklist
✅ Works with all mobile browsers including Safari, Chrome and Firefox
✅ Attach files to comments
✅ Full version control
✅ Archive projects
✅ Control file downloads
✅ Shareable view link for reviewers
✅ Multistage review process
Create a project and upload your files
Share various file types, including designs, documents, and videos.
Invite reviewers to add feedback & collaborate
Set up approver groups for different types of stakeholders, like creative, marketing, clients, brands or technical specialists.
Share new versions after each review stage
Compare versions and comments side by side to confirm that all the changes have been made.
Get approval in time for your deadlines
Add due dates to your content, then your reviewers will get automated reminders at every stage of the approval workflow.